
Strength Comes From insistence on truth ..

" Now I see our Lances are but Straws,
Our Strength as weak,
our Weakness past compare,
That seeming to be most which we indeed least are".
..... Shakespear  ....

" Strength Comes from insistence on truth "  .. Mahatma Gandhi ..

it's one of my Favorite Quotes by Gandhi, and i do believe
it takes real strength to seek the truth all the way,  
I have no strength except
what comes from insistence on truth;  
I am a humble but very earnest seeker after Truth.

in my search, i seek Confidence
so that I may know my mistakes and correct them.
- Better  Late  than  Never - 

I confess that I have often erred in my judgements…
And in as much as in every case I retraced my steps,
trying so hard to reach the absolute truth ..
to reach the absolute strength as well ..

which is harder - in your opinion -
to seek truth or to insist on seeking truth ,
for whatever it takes ??

i will give my vote to insistence on truth.

It is because we have - at the present moment - 
everybody claiming the right of conscience
without going through any discipline whatsoever,
and there is so much untruth being delivered to a confused world.

All that I can present to you is that Truth is not to be found
by anybody who has not got an abundant sense of humility.

Truth and Love is the only thing that counts . .
Where this is present, everything rights itself in the end . . 
This is a Law to which there is no Exception

I am a learner myself, I have no axe to grind,
and wherever I see a truth, I take it up and try to act up to it.
 .. Gandhi ..

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